Template Unouns for DLE 11.2

DLE Template english, Datalife engine english templates,

Introducing attention bright and strict pattern of news subjects, executed in classic three-column structure. Template is universal and can be used for a site virtually any orientation and themes. The template is designed primarily for the news site, vareznikov or for any other gaming site theme. In principle, the pattern is universal and after some modernization can be applied on virtually any website. If you need another news template for dle, then look at other publications. He also adapted to the latest version of DLE 11.1, and for this reason we recommend that you upgrade the engine, because this template for dle portal on earlier versions will not work stably. In fact, a universal pattern and suitable for processing almost all web sites, but particularly good template will look on news portals and other sites to log-structured content submission. It will serve as an ideal option for a blog or for other subjects. Among the advantages it should be noted that the design is not congested with numerous graphical elements. It is important to take into account the fact that UNouns template for DLE 11.1 will look perfect in every browser because it is a universal pattern and width you can customize yourself.

Author: Grave Digger
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 11.2
Tested: Opera, Mozilla, and, Chrome
Options: css, img, tpl, instruction
Size: ~ 2,3 Mb

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