Template DLE FAQ for DLE 10.6 English

DLE 10.6 English Template
Template DLE FAQ for DLE 10.6 English
Template DLE FAQ for DLE 10.6 

Template DLE FAQ for DLE 10.6 has been completely adapted to the current version of the news engine and older versions will not work correctly. It should also be noted that there was an adaptation of the template to the latest version 10.6 DLE, and therefore the correct mapping to earlier versions is not guaranteed. The first thing that comes to mind, then this template will look great sites warez, music, movies, template DLEFAQ for sites of any subject. The template is suitable for portals and information sites. The rest, as always, easy pleasant pattern. Separated from the main part of the cap has a beautifully decorated bar. Well, then it is clear that the site layout in two columns. It should also be noted purity and validity of the code and the correct operation of the pattern in all popular browsers
Template Type: Original
Version DLE: 10.6
Tested: IE, Opera, Mozilla
Options: tpl, css, img, js
Size: ~ 900 Kb

Template DLE FAQ for DLE 10.6

About the Author

Saya bagian dari CKD (pesakit buah pinggang kronik) selama 8 thn. siapa-siapa nak bantu saya untuk biaya Injection.boleh email saya. Click Profile

تعليقان (2)

  1. its password protected dude...
    1. dle-guides.blogspot.com
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