MODULE Chats DLE 9.X - 10.X - English

MODULE Chats DLE English

Revised, redesigned and adapted to DLE 10.3 chat module. Simple functional, is all that is necessary, and no excess.

Functionality of the site:
1. Writing messages in chat with the conclusion avatars. It is possible to write, referring to a specific user. Compatible bb tags, smiles, colors, fonts .. The administrator or moderator can delete the message.
2. There is a setting in the admin chat.
3. Ban users
4. Filter words with replacement
5. Save the logs and view them
6. Cleaning of all messages in the chat.
What I actually corrected the errors of:
1. Fixed a bug where the avatar appeared for a second, then becomes a bat picture.
2. After clicking "Send" the message is not sent until you press enter.
3. A couple of small bugs in the admin.
4. Fixed auto-update the chat.


1. Pour the files on the server
2. Align right folder engine \ chat \ data and files in it, as well as on the backup / chat / - 777
3. Open index.php
require_once ROOT_DIR . '/engine/init.php'; 
Add below:
require_once ENGINE_DIR . '/chat/chat_block.php'; 
 $tpl->set ( '{speedbar}', $tpl->result['speedbar'] );
Add below:
 $tpl->set ( '{chat_block}', $tpl->result['chat_block'] );
4. Open engine\engine.php
case "comments" :
  include ENGINE_DIR . '/modules/comments.php';
Add below:
 case "chat" : 
                include ENGINE_DIR.'/chat/chat.php'; 
5. Start the installation by clicking on the link http: //

6. Open .htaccess
RewriteEngine On 
Add below:
 # For Chat
RewriteRule ^chat(/?)+$ index.php?do=chat
7. If you would like to chat was not only on a separate page at the following address: http: //
but also on the main page, insert tag {chat_block} in main.tpl before or after {content} tag to your discretion.

8. If you want to auto-cleaning the chat, you can set the crown on cron_job.php

9. Delete file chat.install.php

Title: Module chat
CMS: DLE 9.x - 10.x
Module Version: 1.0


Download MODULE Chats DLE 9.X - 10.X - English

About the Author

Saya bagian dari CKD (pesakit buah pinggang kronik) selama 8 thn. siapa-siapa nak bantu saya untuk biaya Injection.boleh email saya. Click Profile

10 تعليقات

  1. I have installed this module, but when i click send/enter, it doesn't send the message ?
  2. read carefully and follow the instructions should work
  3. Password...?
  4. Without WWW and //, he is my site address
  5. can find this $tpl->set ( '{speedbar}', $tpl->result['speedbar'] ); in index.php ?
    1. u try /engine/modules/main.php
    2. to version 10.4 to above does not exist
  6. 10.4 will not work on any suggestions?
    1. how about trying this one:
  7. Thanks for sharing this.,
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