Download Datalife Engine 10.2 English CP1251 Encoder (Windows-1251),Download Datalife Engine 10.2 English UTF8 Encoder (UTF-8)
Datalife Engine 10.2  English
Datalife Engine 10.2 English

Welcome to the new version of our script DataLife Engine 10.2. In this release you expect a brand new control panel DataLife Engine, new opportunities for custom display news for the tag custom, including page navigation for current tag , new opportunities for" module." perekstestnyh links , and much more , but everything. ... more

New Features System:
Completely new control panel script .
Ability to use navigation with user derivation news .
Superior control module cross-references. New features for displaying information in the templates.

UPDATE 02.04.2014
Fixed two files engine / inc / categories.php and engine / modules / show.full.php


Download dle10.2-windows-1251.rar
Download dle10.2-utf8.rar

Upgrade template from 10.1 to 10.2

Installation Screenshots DLE-10.2

About the Author

Saya bagian dari CKD (pesakit buah pinggang kronik) selama 8 thn. siapa-siapa nak bantu saya untuk biaya Injection.boleh email saya. Click Profile

4 تعليقات

  1. can you tell me how to add categories there is no add category button in 10.2
  2. go to control panel, click the icon categories, and the creation of categories
  3. pass is:
    1. yup:
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