Film for DLE 10.1 English

Film for DLE 10.1 English is a movie template
Pusat Dialysis Berhampiran
Film for DLE 10.1
Film for DLE 10.1 English  is a movie template , made with dark and light , diluted light inserts. It has two column structure. Film Template for DLE produced specifically for cinema portals. Engaged in the development and layout designers studio unknown .
Template is designed as a light color palette with blue and red inserts. Development has not quite common framework for most sites . On the title page, no blocks of information. There are only posters titled films. Film Template for DLE was completely adapted to the actual length of time at the option of the script DLE. Were covered with a shortage of images corrected deficiencies that prevent when ripping , and also it has been cleaned from various hidden links , advertising and debris.

Author : Unknown
Translate to English by: Mika
Template Type : Original
Version DLE: 10.1
Tested : IE, Firefox, Opera, G Chrome
Options: template and instructions
Size : ~ 1,3 Mb
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